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the artist at work

  • Skylights, Cambridge Water Works

    The making of Skylight #1 and Skylight #2, November, 2004 (click to enlarge)

    Camera on floor Me at work
    Me at work, posing

  • Morning Glory

    The making of Morning Glory, August, 2005 (click to enlarge):

    Using the light meter Making the exposure

  • On Location: Mount Washington

    Known for it's bad weather and high winds, Mount Washington in New Hampshire's Presidential Range is a difficult place to work with a wooden view camera. For the complete story, see Mount Washington, "The home of the world's worst weather."
    (click to enlarge):

    On location on Mount Washington On location on Mount Washington
    On location on Mount Washington

  • On Location: Rocky Hill Meeting House

    On an earlier photography session in the Rocky Hill Meeting House, I leaned over the railing to discuss something with the person who was escorting me and was immediately struck with the intersection of the box pew railings: they formed a cross. I was very moved by this, and I thought this symbolism was particularly appropriate given the Christian heritage of the building and the people who first used it.

    However, to make the photograph that I envisioned, I would need to place the camera several feet off of the balcony so that it could be positioned exactly above the intersection of the box pew railings. Also, the back of the camera would need to be exactly horizontal to avoid converging lines.

    I built a cantilevered holder for my tripod head (see photos below), and returned several months later to make this photograph, which is one of my favorites.

    (click to enlarge):

    Close-up of camera Looking up from first floor