March 2007 
 EPhoto 112
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 Guest Photographer Paul Wainwright
 Large Format NH Photographer

One of the nice things about the internet is that you get to meet people in your own back yard that you didn't know even existed! Such is the case with this issues guest. The guy finds pleasure in taking photos on top of Mt Washington, NH, in the 'world's worst weather'! Click on any image to visit his web site for more images and information.



Spiral Stair Railing, Boott Cotton Mills, Lowell MA Paul uses large format cameras and produces hand crafted limited edition selenium toned silver prints.



rime 1 Paul enjoys photographing 'rime ice', caused when below freezing clouds contact solid objects. Guess he never heard of Florida for the winter!



mountain I've always had tremendous respect for the passion that large format landscape photographers have for their work, it's such an exacting, time consuming process but the prints are so stunning.


 About the photographer

Portrait Typical of most large format shooters, Paul is a very bright guy. He has a PhD in Physics from Yale and is retired from his position at Bell Laboratories. I have trouble with numbers over three digits! I encourage you to visit paul's web site for more information about this fascinating photographer! Below are Paul's comments about his printmaking.

"All of my prints are exhibition quality, and are made from large-format 4x5 negatives. Each print is individually hand crafted using only archival materials and procedures. Starting from the negative, the image is fine tuned over several darkroom sessions to bring out the expressive feeling of the final print. I use only fiber-based paper, which has been shown over the years to be far more stable than the more modern resin-coated paper. I selenium tone each print to provide “depth” and archival permanence. Mounting and matting are done using only the finest, archival- quality mat board."

Paul's website 

 Important news from Tim Kelly

Kelly Tim Kelly, one of the world's finest portrait artist's recently wrote a piece for Ephoto Elite, the subscription version of Ephoto. For the month of March ONLY, visit Tim's site and you can get the entire article PLUS lighting diagrams for FREE! (Look in 'Free Downloads' scetion) And while you're there, Tim has several NEW instuctional DVD's that for the month of March ONLY Ephoto readers can purchase for 20% off! All because you read EPhoto!.

Just use coupon code epsp307 and the discount will be taken. Look for another reminder later with more announcements!

Tim Kelly's Proshop 

EPhoto is published twice monthly and is edited by Steve Bedell, M.Photog.Cr. EPhoto is a free publication, supported by our sponsors and product sales. EPhoto does not sell or give it's mailing list to anyone. Article submissions are welcome.

Sincerely, Steve

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Steve Bedell Photography | 6 Franklin Plaza | Dover | NH | 03820